By Bill Bonner, Chairman, Bonner & Partners BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – Last week, stocks finished at an all-time high. But guess what? In terms of real money – gold-linked, pre-1971 dollars – stocks have been losing ground since the start of the millennium. We are looking at one of the most remarkable episodes in financial history. Investors think they are making money… when they’re actually getting poorer. Donald J. Trump tells the international Deep Staters at Davos that the U.S. economy is “spectacular,” but most of its counties have never recovered from the crisis of ’08-’09. What a jolly time to be alive… to be conscious… with a few dollars saved up and a sense of humor. And coming up… a financial Demolition Derby on a global scale… Recommended Link | “If you can spot a ‘Timed Stock’ from a regular stock, you can be $128,000 richer in the coming weeks…” That’s a direct quote from the world’s foremost expert on “Timed Stocks,” Jeff Brown. Jeff has identified 119 “Timed Stocks” in the past few years. Each of them – 100% – went up. The peak gain was enough to turn $5,000 into $1.3 MILLION. And, on Wednesday, January 22, at 8 p.m. ET, he’s going to blow the lid off this stock market mystery. He’ll show you why “Timed Stocks” exist… Why, for nearly five decades now, they’ve been kept a secret from most of the country… Plus, how to instantly identify a “Timed Stock” from a regular stock – right from your online brokerage account… So YOU can be $128,000 richer in the coming weeks. The catch? You must register for the event now. | | -- | Financial Train Wreck Yes, we’ve seen plenty of little sh*thole countries go broke. They spend too much. They steal too much. And then, what do they do to cover the corruption and waste? They print money. But we’ve never seen a country with the world’s reserve currency and a $20 trillion economy do it. So this will be fun to watch. And on this TV you can’t touch that dial. You can’t turn it off. Doesn’t matter how smart our Federal Reserve governors are. Doesn’t matter what stable genius is in the White House. Doesn’t matter what any of us think or do. You don’t even need a “bad guy” or a monetary monster. Milton Friedman is practically a saint in some circles; but it was he who invented the new money in 1971… and he will be largely to blame for the destruction ahead. Yes, Dear Reader, even good people do bad things… and even smart people make such jackass mistakes as to cause the gods to chuckle, and the dead to laugh out loud. They’ve seen this before. They know how it turns out. So let’s look more closely at why it is inevitable, even as they do everything “right”… Recommended Link | Tiny Glitch Could Kill 5G Technology 5G phones cost a staggering $1,300. If you plan on buying one anytime soon… I got some news for you. It's a worthless investment. 5G won't work, unless this one tiny company steps in with its miraculous solution to save it. That's according to E.B. Tucker. He's a serial tech investor who made 13,000% in just 12 months – on one tech trade. E.B. believes the tiny company that'll save 5G is the biggest stock market story for 2020. | | -- | Do the Right Thing The Fed clearly made the right choice when it chose to pump up the repo market with hundreds of billions in new money. Otherwise, the world economy, the stock market… the whole shebang would have gone to Hell. It will surely do the right thing next week and the week after, too. The feds have $6 trillion of short term loans to “roll” in the next six months. That’s the cost of over-spending – wars, boondoggles, giveaways, waste – by the U.S. government. Oh… and it’s not going away. No candidate – Democrat or Republican – is proposing to cut U.S. spending. And no president could survive in office if the Deep State connivers completely turned against him. That’s why they will all do the “right” thing. And who could blame Obama and then-Fed chief Bernanke for pushing the panic button in ’08? They did the right thing, adding $10 trillion in deficits and $3.6 trillion in Fed quantitative easing (QE). Bernanke had the “courage to act” and saved the nation from a dreadful recession; he said so himself. And didn’t Mr. Trump do the right thing when he cut taxes… and increased spending… too? Isn’t that why the Dow is at 29,000… unemployment is below 5%… and he can brag at Davos? He thinks so. Mr. Obama had allowed for a modest decline in military spending as the wars in the Mideast wound down. Then, not only did the “conservative” Trump increase military spending, he boosted domestic entitlements, too. Domestic, social spending rose 3.2% annually under Obama. Under Trump, it is going up at a 5.4% annual rate. Overall, spending is increasing more than twice as fast as it did during the Obama years. And who doesn’t like it? Who doesn’t want more money? Widows? Veterans? Cronies? Lobbyists? The Swamp? Everybody is in favor. At least, at the beginning. Recommended Link | Teeka Tiwari May Have Just Solved America’s Retirement Crisis… Millions of Americans don’t have enough money saved for retirement. But Teeka Tiwari says he’s found a solution… Teeka recently discovered a totally new way of collecting retirement income from a brand-new tech investment… And 99.99% of investors have never even heard of it. It’s called a “Tech Royalty.” Teeka says this is the only income investment you MUST have in 2020 – especially if you want to retire any time in the next decade. Because just $100 to $500 could hand you extraordinary gains of $9,161… $21,667… $23,798… $49,520… and even $85,487 and more – per year. Just a handful of “Tech Royalties” could hand you enough income to live life on your own terms. But you need to act quickly… A huge change is coming to the “Tech Royalty” market in 2020 – one that could secure your future. | | -- | Hyperinflation Legend Our old friend, Doug Casey, had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet a real central bank legend. It was Gideon Gono, who – as the governor of Zimbabwe’s central bank – had printed trillion-Zimbabwe dollar notes by the gazillion… and destroyed the country’s economy. But Doug reported that Gono seemed like a nice, intelligent guy. He actually wrote a report to his boss, “Comrade Mugabe” (that’s what Zimbabwe’s head man liked to be called), in which he proposed a gold-backed dollar. And he only resorted to the printing press, he said, because he needed a way to pay the army. Wasn’t that the right choice? Had he not paid the army, the soldiers might have gone on the rampage… or taken over the government. And what about Rudolf von Havenstein? It was he who presided over one of the most notorious episodes in hyperinflation history, in Germany in the early 1920s. Wasn’t he in almost the same situation as America’s current Fed chief, Jerome Powell? And didn’t he do the “right” thing, too? Liaquat Ahamed explains, in Lords of Finance: Von Havenstein faced a real dilemma. Were he to refuse to print the money necessary to finance the deficit, he risked causing a sharp rise in interest rates as the government scrambled to borrow from every source. The mass unemployment that would ensue, he believed, would bring on a domestic economic & political crisis. Was von Havenstein stupid? Evil? No more than the rest of us. Perhaps he made the right choice. But the results were disastrous. Printing new money cheats people who have worked, saved, and trusted the old money. Stefan Zweig wrote that the money-printers had… Cheated the mothers who had sacrificed their children, cheated the soldiers who came home as beggars, cheated those who had subscribed patriotically to war loans, cheated all who had placed any faith in any promise of the state, cheated those of us who had dreamed of a new and better ordered world and who perceived that the same old gamblers were turning the same old trick in which our existence, our happiness, our time, our fortunes were at stake. One of those who felt cheated was a young, Austrian house painter named Adolf. He made plans to get even… Regards, Bill Like what you’re reading? Send your thoughts to FEATURED READS America Is Awash With Natural Gas and It’s About to Get Worse The U.S. has increased its natural gas output exponentially, thanks to a “historic expansion” in the Appalachian region. Now, a rising global surplus and limited export opportunities leave natural gas suppliers on edge… hoping Asia’s demand will meet suppliers’ output. The Recession in Global Car Sales Shows No Sign of Ending Around the world, car sales fell 4% in 2019. And with the transition to electric or higher tech-advanced models, traditional car makers may never catch up… MAILBAG Last week, some Dear Readers thought Bill was too generous on Iranian General Qassem Suleimani in “How Does POTUS Tell a Sinner From a Saint?” For example, reader David A. wrote in: You not only seem to forget that this Iranian general killed Americans before Trump lowered the boom on this fool. This was the "red line" that was drawn. Also, you forget that previous presidents have done similar or worse, without drawing a red line against the killing of Americans. Stick to your financial insights and leave the politics of progressive ideology out of the equation. – David A. But not everyone sees eye to eye with David… I very much liked the short discussion of the biography of Qassem Suleimani to make him understandable. Try to stand in the boots of your adversary, and then think about his feelings, his opinions, and his actions. This was performed in a very admirable way in your text. I must say that your extreme talent in writing avails me the pleasure to read whatever subject you decide to concentrate on. – Christian A. Of course Bill was not too generous to the Iranian thug. He did inject humor in the writing, which is welcome to this reader. Trump lowered himself and the USA to Suleimani’s status by simply offing him, “no judge, jury, or verdict.” We used to be better than that. – Dean M. While another Dear Reader generally appreciates Bill’s writing… I come from a family of great minds and the proper use of the English language was always emphasized and expected of us children. You have a rare gift, thank you for sharing it with us all! – Katherine R. Was Bill admirable in making Suleimani “understandable,” as Christian thinks? Did the U.S. lower its standard by assassinating the general, as Dean believes? Write us at IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… “How I retired at 42 – By Quitting Stocks” This retirement strategy doesn’t involve stocks, bonds, real estate, or any “conventional” retirement vehicle. “If you’re willing to get out of your comfort zone, this could be the perfect approach for you.” – Retired Millionaire Jeff Clark Yes! Show me how to quit stocks.  |
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