Valeria Bednarik posted new content

Latest content from Valeria Bednarik
Jan 26, 2020 16:38 PM
After rising toward 0.6900 on the back of the upbeat labour market data from Australia, the AUD/USD pair reversed its direction and slumped to its......
Jan 26, 2020 16:36 PM
Despite the sharp upsurge witnessed in the US Dollar Index on Friday, the USD/JPY pair lost its traction and dropped to its lowest level in two weeks......
Jan 26, 2020 16:34 PM
The GBP/USD pair spiked to its highest level since January 7th at 1.3174 on Friday with the initial reaction to the upbeat PMI data from the UK. Howe...
Jan 26, 2020 16:30 PM
The broad-based USD strength weighed on the EUR/USD pair on Friday and dragged it to its lowest level since December 2nd at 1.1020. The mixed PMI dat...
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