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Mar 06, 2020 00:30 AM
Australia Retail Sales s.a. (MoM) came in at -0.3%, below expectations (0%) in January...
Mar 06, 2020 00:21 AM
Colombia Consumer Price Index (YoY) above expectations (3.71%) in February: Actual (3.72%)...
Mar 06, 2020 00:21 AM
Colombia Consumer Price Index (MoM) above expectations (0.66%) in February: Actual (0.67%)...
Mar 05, 2020 23:56 PM
Japan JP Foreign Reserves rose from previous $1342.3B to $1359B in February...
Mar 05, 2020 23:31 PM
Japan Labor Cash Earnings (YoY) above forecasts (1.3%) in January: Actual (1.5%)...
Mar 05, 2020 23:30 PM
Japan Overall Household Spending (YoY) above expectations (-4%) in January: Actual (-3.9%)...
Mar 05, 2020 21:33 PM
Australia AiG Performance of Services Index declined to 47 in February from previous 47.4...
Mar 05, 2020 21:04 PM
The spot bleeds as growing coronavirus cases in US kills risk. Yen rallies as US equity futures, Treasury yields crash. Risk-trends to dominate ahead...
Mar 05, 2020 19:04 PM
Argentina Industrial Output n.s.a (YoY) declined to 0.1% in January from previous 1.2%...
Mar 05, 2020 17:00 PM
United States 4-Week Bill Auction down to 0.925% from previous 1.53%...
Mar 05, 2020 15:58 PM
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) a division of the US Department of Labor will issue its Employment Situation Report for February on Friday, March...
Mar 05, 2020 15:30 PM
United States EIA Natural Gas Storage Change came in at -109B below forecasts (-108B) in February 28...
Mar 05, 2020 15:22 PM
The EUR/USD Thursday's four-hour chart is pointing to further gains. Yohay Elam, an analyst at FXStreet, reviews the pair outlook from a technical per...
Mar 05, 2020 15:00 PM
United States Factory Orders (MoM) came in at -0.5% below forecasts (-0.1%) in January...
Mar 05, 2020 14:45 PM
California's coronavirus issues outweigh Italy's as the EUR/USD pair has been rising as the dollar slides with falling yields. Growing concerns about ...
Mar 05, 2020 14:25 PM
Industrial metals are still struggling to find direction as a contrast emerges between China's resurgence and the rest-of-world's deterioration, strat...
Mar 05, 2020 14:05 PM
OPEC has agreed to a deep cut proposal for the broader cartel as all eyes are on Russia as a 1.5m bpd cut would need a nod from OPEC's allies in order...
Mar 05, 2020 13:30 PM
United States Nonfarm Productivity came in at 1.2% below forecasts (1.4%) in 4Q...
Mar 05, 2020 13:30 PM
United States Unit Labor Costs below expectations (1.4%) in 4Q: Actual (0.9%)...
Mar 05, 2020 13:30 PM
United States Initial Jobless Claims above forecasts (215K) in February 28: Actual (216K)...
Mar 05, 2020 13:30 PM
United States Continuing Jobless Claims came in at 1.729M, below expectations (1.733M) in February 21...
Mar 05, 2020 13:30 PM
United States Initial Jobless Claims 4-week average up to 213K in February 28 from previous 209.75K...
Mar 05, 2020 13:00 PM
Russia Central Bank Reserves $ rose from previous $563.1B to $570B...
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