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Latest content from Pablo Piovano
Mar 05, 2020 07:23 AM
Open interest in crude oil futures markets rose by around 16.5K contracts on Wednesday, reversing two consecutive daily drops according to flash data ...
Mar 05, 2020 07:07 AM
Economist at UOB Group Lee Sue Ann assessed the recently published GDP figures in Australia for the October-December 2019 period. Key Quotes "Australi...
Mar 05, 2020 06:36 AM
Traders scaled back their open interest positions in Gold futures markets by around 13.4K contracts on Wednesday, as per flash data from CME Group. In...
Mar 05, 2020 06:25 AM
In opinion of Karen Jones, Team Head FICC Technical Analysis Research at Commerzbank, EUR/USD could attempt a corrective downside to the 1.1050 area a...
Mar 05, 2020 06:21 AM
Economist at UOB Group Barnabas Gan gives his opinion of the latest PMI figures in Singapore. Key Quotes "Singapore's overall Purchasing Managers' Ind...
Mar 05, 2020 06:15 AM
According to advanced readings from CME Group for JPY futures markets, investors added around 88.6K contracts to their open interest positions on Wedn...
Mar 05, 2020 06:05 AM
Open interest in GBP futures markets went down by nearly 1.6K contracts on Wednesday, clinching the third drop in a row according to preliminary print...
Mar 05, 2020 05:56 AM
CME Group's flash data for EUR futures markets noted open interest shrunk by nearly 4.6K contracts after two consecutive daily builds. In the same dir...
Mar 05, 2020 05:39 AM
The greenback, when tracked by the US Dollar Index (DXY), is looking for direction in the 97.40/30 band in the second half of the week. US Dollar Inde...
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