Consumer Spending Shows Unprecedented Results

June 3, 2020
2 Clicks for Explosive Gains
How does the thought of locking-in virtually automatic deposits every seven days sound to you?

Soon you'll be able to access a brand-new method to earn weekly paydays from the market that are worth $3k-plus.

Lane Ippolito is revealing the strategy that allows the little guy to cash in on certain stocks just like the big banks do.

With just two clicks and five minutes a week, you could get thousands deposited into your account every seven days.

Join him today
$ave Your Money: Consumer Spending Data Shows Staggering Reversal
I've been writing for a few weeks now about the genuine changes in consumer behavior that are taking place around the world as governments respond to the pandemic.

Basically, the thesis has been that because of massive layoffs and increased remote working, consumers are spending far less than they ever have been during this last bull market.

And presumably, they're stockpiling cash – whether it be boosted unemployment compensation, stimulus checks or salary -- in case another outbreak/lockdown happens in the future.

Well, just in case you needed any further proof of changes in consumer behavior, I present to you the personal spending data for the month of April, compared to the data point's entire history…

Largest. Drop. Ever.
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What You Need To Know NOW
The U.S. saw civil unrest and anger nationwide the past few days as riots and looting reached their weekend highs by Saturday night.

What's our best move when taking this news into account while looking at the market? How can we use this information to "trade the news?"

Join me as I discuss my thoughts on these developing events. I'm also looking at a comparative chart of the S&P 500 and explaining the message the VIX is sending to traders right now.

Get my analysis
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