Peak unemployment and beyond

Fellow Investor,

From March 2009 to December 2019 the market shot up 307%.

Experts consider this the greatest 10-year bull run in market history.

Unemployment sat near all-time lows - just under 4%. Americans thought the party would go on forever.

Then came the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown.

In what seemed like an instant the market crashed to historic lows and unemployment soared to historic highs.

But it's not over yet.

The Collapse of 2020 is just getting started.

According to CNN Business, Goldman Sachs warns of unemployment peaking at 25%.

Which would rival the 24.9% unemployment rate we faced during the Great Depression.

And the so-called "real jobless rate" is predicted to peak at 35%.

The current situation is a powder keg getting ready to blow.

Those who don't know the coming dangers and how to escape them will be at the mercy of economic forces beyond their control.

In my most urgent presentation to date, I give you a roadmap to what's likely to happen next.

And I reveal the seven steps you must take now to protect your stocks and mutual funds, 401K and IRA, real estate, and savings.

Not to mention, by taking these steps immediately, you can turn this continuing crisis into an opportunity to build wealth.

The choice is simple...

You can disregard the facts and pay a hefty price.

Or you can safeguard your savings and retirement... while... going for some of the largest crisis profit opportunities we've ever seen.

Click here for all the details.

Good luck and God bless!

Martin D. Weiss, Founder
Weiss Ratings


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