Inside: Jeff’s recommendation (ticker symbol)

Dear Reader,

Did you get Jeff Clark’s free options trading recommendation?

In case you missed it… write this down by Friday:

Buy XLE201016C37 up to $1.70.

But please: Do NOT place this trade until you claim your free bonus year of Jeff’s Delta Report, and see his full instructions on what to do.

If you’re still trying to make up your mind… let me sweeten the offer until Friday:

  • I’ll knock 50% off the price
  • I’ll give you a 90-day, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • And of course, I’ll give you a free bonus year.

In fact, I’ll also throw in a free bonus year of Jeff Clark’s real-time feature Delta Direct (where he predicted the 2020 crash). This alone may someday cost $5,000 a year… but you’ll get it free of charge through this special offer.

Just keep in mind: This offer expires on Friday at midnight.

If you’re still undecided, you can reach me Monday–Friday, 9 am–5 pm ET at 1-866-704-5971.

I’ll answer any questions you may have about the offer.

Click here to review this offer (ends Friday at midnight).


Shanikka Dorsey

Member Services Manager, Jeff Clark Research

P.S. Here’s what subscribers to all of Jeff’s services have said…

“My returns are averaging over 100%. I have not lost money on a single transaction yet.” --Shawn M.*

“On numerous occasions, I’ve made over $10K in a few days.” --Tom V.

“I made $5,000 in a single day.” --Neil S.

“I made 1,017% in less than 48 hours. WOW. Jeff is a king in my book.” --J.F.

“Just thought I'd ring Jeff Clark's bell! I bought and sold for a 147% gain. Jeff, come to dinner in Texas, I owe you a Big Steak!” --Sharen K.

“Without question, the best moneymaking advice I've ever had. I've made $12,000 profit in 2 1/2 months.” --John G.

“My portfolio has increased by $250,000.” --William D.

“Jeff Clark is DA MAN. Made a $1,100 profit in two days ” --John H.

“I made $9,000 in 6 days on one trade… and $4,500 in 11 days on another.” --Kenneth P.

“Jeff, I have not had a loss yet. The annual ROIs range from 1,947.5% to 4,692.9%!!!! Simply stated, these are OUTSTANDING RESULTS.” --Tom S.

“I made $220 on your quick play today. I’m a fireman… $220 is a good payday.” --Rich B.

“Thanks, Jeff. I made $26,000 in two weeks with little risk in my IRA account.” --David B.

“Mr. Clark can sure call the market. Bought his recommendation during lunch on Tuesday and had doubled my money by lunch on Wednesday!” --Tim E.

 “California property taxes on my vineyard are too high, but now in the bank. Paid for with one position [238% gains in 13 days]”. --Henry M.

“Bought [your recommendation] on Friday and sold today for $3k profit in 2 days.” –Adam K.

“I have played the market for many years and have experienced terrific success and witnessed others make extraordinary calls but I must admit, I have NEVER seen something this good. Thank you!” Mike H.

*Standard Disclaimer: The investment results described in these testimonials are not typical. Investing in securities carries a high degree of risk; you may lose some or all of the investment.

“I happened to be at my computer at 10:38 when you suggested buying GDX at $41.60. Thanks for the suggestion, as I am up almost 100%. --Peter G.*


“I made 8K in less than 24 hours.” –Denny T.

“JEFF CLARK is ‘DA MAN’. Just made $1100.00 profit in two days after fees.” --John H.

“I have made over $20,000 and just wanted to express my gratitude to you and to let you know that the knowledge you share is making a difference in other people's lives.” –Laura B.

“Thanks Jeff. I pocketed a net total profit of $12,338.17 in 14 days.” –Moe A.

“The last three months I have made over $8000 while my portfolio has pretty much been on hold.” –Robert T.

“I closed out today (as per your instructions) for a net 150%. Well done. There's cold beer in the icebox tonight.” –Ian D.

“Earlier this month I bought SLW at $3.04 and sold it within 2 weeks slightly below its peak at $6.20. That's a little better than a double. Thank you Jeff, that was beautiful!” --Steven D.

“I am proud to say I handled the year of 2008 perfectly. Everything I have learned in the markets in my three year investing career (i'm 26), I put to use last year and you both inspired me and guided me when I needed it. I finished up more than 100%.” –Andrew D.

In a year [2008] that I suffered like everyone else in the stock market, Jeff's

picks and guidance were great. In 2008 I made profits of $37, 644. This was across 19 round trip transactions covering a period from 1/8/2008 to 12/30/2008.” --William G.

“Thanks to Jeff Clark I turned a $5,600 low risk investment into $17,000 in just two days. 300+% gain! Unbelievable! Nice call Jeff.” –Anthony I.

“YTD I'm up @700% on my account.” –Art H.

“Jeff Clark is in the top 10 of people alive or dead whom I'd most like to have dinner with. His insight is almost clairvoyant.” –D.K.

“In the slaughter of 2008 my accounts crashed and burned. With Jeff’s help I now have over $700,000 in my accounts.” --Wesley L.

*Standard Disclaimer: The investment results described in these testimonials are not typical. Investing in securities carries a high degree of risk; you may lose some or all of the investment.

Click here to claim this special offer (ends Friday.)

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