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FXStreet Team | Aug 21, 2020 00:32 AM
Japan Jibun Bank Manufacturing PMI up to 46.6 in August from previous 45.2...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 23:31 PM
Japan National CPI ex-Fresh Food (YoY) came in at 0% below forecasts (0.1%) in July...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 23:31 PM
Japan National CPI ex Food, Energy (YoY) remains unchanged at 0.4% in July...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 23:30 PM
Japan National Consumer Price Index (YoY) increased to 0.3% in July from previous 0.1%...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 23:06 PM
Australia Commonwealth Bank Composite PMI: 48.8 (August) vs previous 57.8...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 23:06 PM
Australia Commonwealth Bank Manufacturing PMI: 53.9 (August) vs previous 54...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 23:06 PM
Australia Commonwealth Bank Services PMI fell from previous 58.2 to 48.1 in August...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 23:01 PM
United Kingdom GfK Consumer Confidence came in at -27, below expectations (-25) in August...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 21:00 PM
South Korea Producer Price Index Growth (MoM) dipped from previous 0.5% to 0.2% in July...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 21:00 PM
South Korea Producer Price Index Growth (YoY) increased to -0.8% in July from previous -0.9%...
Valeria Bednarik | Aug 20, 2020 19:31 PM
The AUD/USD pair got to recover some ground by the end of the day, trimming early losses to settle around 0.7190. The recovery was the result of decr...
Valeria Bednarik | Aug 20, 2020 19:30 PM
The USD/JPY pair peaked at 106.21 but lost its impulse as demand for the greenback receded, ending the day with modest loses in the 105.90 price zone...
Valeria Bednarik | Aug 20, 2020 19:28 PM
The GBP/USD pair spent most of the day depressed around 1.3100, falling at the beginning of the day to 1.3064, its lowest for this week. The pair, ho...
Valeria Bednarik | Aug 20, 2020 19:26 PM
The dollar pared its post-FOMC statement advance and gave up some of its recent gains, coming under selling pressure in US trading hours. EUR/USD fel...
Joseph Trevisani | Aug 20, 2020 16:42 PM
Existing home sales, 90% of the US housing market, will continue their recovery in July after the pandemic shutdown plunged May purchases to the lowes...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 15:36 PM
United States 4-Week Bill Auction dipped from previous 0.085% to 0.08%...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 14:46 PM
The volatile and acrimonious presidential contest may be an also-ran in the campaign to influence the US dollar. Traditional market preferences betwee...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 14:30 PM
United States EIA Natural Gas Storage Change dipped from previous 58B to 43B in August 14...
Valeria Bednarik | Aug 20, 2020 14:16 PM
After growth indicators collapsed to record lows in April as a result of the pandemic-related lockdowns, most indexes returned to expansion levels bet...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 14:16 PM
Russia Central Bank Reserves $ fell from previous $600.7B to $590.2B...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 13:40 PM
The CBRT held the repo rate at 8.25% as expected, but promised more "liquidity measures". The lira suffered an immediate correction, though USD/TRY ha...
Pablo Piovano | Aug 20, 2020 13:38 PM
The selling pressure around the single currency is picking up pace on Thursday and is now dragging EUR/USD to record weekly lows in the 1.18 neighbour...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 13:34 PM
Norges Bank (NB) kept rates unchanged at 0.00% and kept its neutral bias at today's meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for 24 September. Economist...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 13:25 PM
Fear of summer vacation-related increases in COVID-19 cases may mar the recovery path in Europe. Further reimposing of restrictions could dampen EUR's...
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