Revealed: The Secret “Philly” Trade

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Please Don't Ignore This

Dear True Market Insider Reader,

There's something you should know about Costas…

At times, he's been known to produce some of the biggest winning streaks in the business.

For example, 10 of his last 13 trades have been big winners:

94% on VXX… 71% on GLD… 88% on NVDA… 60% on SPY… 75% on QCOM…

The secret to his remarkable success is the little-known trading strategy he mastered in the pits of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange in the '90s.

With this technique, you can make money even if the stock goes nowhere.

That's why he can achieve such long winning streaks -- and it's why he's been able to run his recommendation service nonstop for an entire decade.

(Most services don't last past the second year.)

Costas is sharing the secrets of this powerful strategy at his free 10th anniversary event on Thursday at 1 PM Eastern. It's called "10 Years of Profits."

Sign up to attend and you'll also get free trade ideas with the potential to make double-digit gains in a matter of days. Your first free trade is waiting for you now.

You don't want to miss this.



Chris Rowe
Founder, True Market Insiders

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