Daily Trading Analysis 21.09.2020

Trading Analysis of USD/JPY 

Head of the Bank of Japan Kuroda said that the Central Bank will continue to support the economy in tandem with the government:
COVID-19 will not stop globalization;
Protectionism after the COVID-19 pandemic carries great risks for all economies;
Supply chains will only become more diversified and more resilient after COVID-19;
Regional financial cooperation will be very important in the coming years, it will be good protection against a future crisis.

Our Analysis:

Provided that the currency pair is traded below 104.50 follow the recommendations below:
  • Time frame: 30 min
  • Recommendation: short position
  • Entry point: 104.30
  • Take Profit 1: 104.00
  • Take Profit 2: 103.80

Alternative scenario:

In case of breakout of the level 104.50, follow the recommendations below:
  • Time frame: 30 min
  • Recommendation: long position
  • Entry point: 104.50
  • Take Profit 1: 104.85
  • Take Profit 2: 104.85

Trading Analysis of S&P 500 Index

Analyst warnings on the valuation of dotcom bubbles are forcing investors to sell large technology stocks. At the same time, investors continue to dispose of shares of real estate and utilities that are generally considered safer investments in uncertain environments. The S&P 500 closed with a 38-point drop, losing 1.1 percent on Friday after three consecutive days of decline, ending the week with a 0.65 percent drop. Thus, it is now the third week after reaching a historic high as the index falls.

Our Analysis:

Provided that the index is traded below 3375.00, follow the recommendations below:
  • Time frame: H4
  • Recommendation: short position
  • Entry point: 3319.17
  • Take Profit 1: 3292.00
  • Take Profit 2: 3240.00

Alternative scenario:

In case of breakout of the level 3375.00, follow the recommendations below:
  • Time frame: H4
  • Recommendation: long position
  • Entry point: 3375.00
  • Take Profit 1: 3428.00
  • Take Profit 2: 3452.00

Fundamental Trading
Analysis of Cisco Systems

As they say, there is nothing certain except death, taxes, and the fact that acquisitions of Cisco Systems will continue. The supporters of long positions, currently in the minority, are extremely positive about these deals. Let's take a look now at the current state of affairs of the company.

Our Analysis:

 While the price is above 37.80, follow the recommendations below:
  • Time frame: H4
  • Recommendation: long position
  • Entry point: 39.80
  • Take Profit 1: 43.30
  • Take Profit 2: 44.80

Alternative scenario:

If the level 37.80 is broken-down, follow the recommendations below.
  • Time frame: H4
  • Recommendation: short position
  • Entry point: 37.80
  • Take Profit 1: 35.30
  • Take Profit 2: 33.80

Fundamental Trading
Analysis of LTC/USD

Litecoin has struggled to keep up with gains across many well-known cryptocurrency pairs, but the end of September may usher the official launch of the Mimblewimble upgrade, a privacy protocol operating on a testnet for over one year. It will also increase the scale of processed transactions and allow Litecoin to fulfill one of the founding principles of cryptocurrencies, privacy. Investors and traders will receive a more stable privacy coin as compared to Monero or Zcash. The industry continues to mature and branch into core cryptocurrencies, digital assets and tokens, and a project aiming to please regulators.

Our Analysis:

Should price action for the LTC/USD remain inside the or breakout above the 45.10 to 47.90 zone the following trade set-up is recommended:
  • Timeframe: D1
  • Recommendation: Long Position
  • Entry Level: Long Position @ 47.10
  • Take Profit Zone: 64.10 – 68.65
  • Stop Loss Level: 43.10

Alternative scenario:

Should price action for the LTC/USD breakdown below 45.10 the following trade set-up is recommended:
  • Timeframe: D1
  • Recommendation: Short Position
  • Entry Level: Short Position @ 43.10
  • Take Profit Zone: 33.80 – 36.80
  • Stop Loss Level: 45.10

Risk Warning: Forex and CFD trading carry a high degree of risk. As such they may not be suitable for all investors. Investors should ensure they fully understand the risks associated with CFD trading before deciding to trade. Investors may choose to seek independent advice and should not risk more than they are prepared to lose.

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