The scariest, worst 15 minutes of my life…

Brownstone Research

Dear Penny IPOs: The "4X Window" Registrant,

As I sat in my office on the 24th story of a skyscraper in Tokyo, the dusk was settling in. I looked up from my computer and took a glimpse of the beautiful skyline.

Suddenly, my chair started to oscillate gently up and down...

I looked over to one of my staff who sat near me and we had a chuckle. Earthquakes are a normal part of life in Japan. But a minute later, my chair felt like I was sitting in the passenger seat of a truck driving down a bumpy dirt road.

And then it hit.

The big one.

A 9.2 scale earthquake that shook the building to its core.

The 15 minutes that followed were the worst I've ever experienced. The building felt like it would snap. We'd swing three or four feet in one direction and than snap back in the other direction just as far. Books and binders were flying off shelves, the walls were cracking, some of my employees were laying on the floor crying...

And there wasn't a thing we could do about it.

Across Tokyo bay, we all stared in amazement as an oil refinery exploded into flames. It looked like a scene from Hollywood.

I moved as quickly as I could through the office hanging on to anything that I could. I was pulling employees away from the windows. If the window cracked and shattered, the pressure change would have sucked them right out to their death.

I pulled everyone in to the center of the building and explained that the building was designed to bend just as it was doing. (If it didn't, in fact, we would have already been in big trouble.)

I called my CEO once we got through the first 15 minutes. I told him that there would be massive disruptions to the global semiconductor supply chain, and that manufacturing plants would be badly damaged across Japan. I told him to quickly secure product and materials inventory before everything dried up due to a halt of production. I also told him a massive tsunami was coming as well.

He didn't believe any of it.

Of course, we all know what happened next. Nearly 16,000 people died from the Japanese tsunami... there were three nuclear meltdowns... and the end result was the worst devastation to the semiconductor industry it had ever seen.

At the time, I was the president of NXP Semiconductors Japan. And my team looked to me for leadership. There was no one else. I sent my family down south to Fukuoka, and I got to work...

The three months that followed that earthquake were the hardest I've ever experienced...

Seven days a week, I was seemingly working around the clock to keep my employees and their families safe. I also had to keep the company running. 90% of the foreign executives working in Tokyo fled with their families back to their home countries.

I stayed.

My crash course in "crisis management" back in 2011 was a defining moment for me. I wasn't trained for it, but I sure came out stronger on the other end.

That's why I was very early in writing and warning about COVID-19. I knew it was a big deal. And I knew there would be a fervor about it.

But, more importantly, that's why I didn't panic when stocks started falling earlier this year.

Why am I sharing this with you on this beautiful Saturday morning?

Because, recently, you signed up for my Penny IPOs: The "4X Window" event. Perhaps you just signed up and forgot all about it... Or, maybe you just watched half of it and mean to get back to it later.

Either way, I'd encourage you to watch the whole thing now. (Just click this link.)

Here's why:

Recently, we've been seeing a bit more volatility than usual. And "Penny IPO" stocks are the most market resistant stocks I've ever seen. When the stock market Zigs, these often Zag. Even in the worst crashes in history, like in 2008, some of these stocks doubled — even going up as much as 382%.

Now, does this mean I recommend people change ALL their investment holdings to Penny IPOs?

No. Of course not.

But it does mean that... if you don't have a few of these small, market-resistant stocks in your portfolio, you're playing with fire. Your investments aren't as "crisis proof" as they could be.

Especially as increased volatility looms on the horizon.

If you already have a good plan, a firm grasp on your investments in times of volatility, good for you.

If not, I recommend you at least increase your knowledge and learn what I shared about "Penny IPOs." That way, you can see if these investments are right for you.

You can watch the full replay here.

Best Regards,

Jeff Brown
Founder, Brownstone Research

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