Are You Letting Politics Into Your Portfolio?

Liberty Through Wealth


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Politics and Portfolios

Allison Brickell | Managing Editor | The Oxford Club

Allison Brickell

Nearly two weeks after a contentious Election Day, we're reflecting on politics and money.

Alexander Green has cautioned readers against letting politics into their portfolios. Back in 2018, long before this election, he wrote...

Political differences are inevitable, of course. But it's a mistake to turn bullish or bearish on the market based on which party is in power or who's in the White House...

Look back through history, and you'll see stocks have delivered exceptional returns under both Republican and Democratic administrations.

Still, economists, politicians and the talking heads on TV will no doubt spend the next few months discussing how the stock market will fare under a new administration.

So we want to know what our readers think.

In this week's poll, we asked: How are you feeling about your portfolio in the aftermath of the election?

More than 70% of responses were positive. Reader Stephen E. wrote that he feels optimistic about the future.

"I think the year will end well," he wrote.

And Steve S. wrote, "Judging by the upward trend in stock prices, I am positioned to gain from both healthy dividends and a return to pre-COVID stock prices."

Click here to view the results of the poll on Twitter. And click here to join the conversation on Facebook.

Note: Comments may have been edited for spelling, grammar and/or clarity.


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