Don’t Count Yourself Out on These High-Potential Plays



Don't Count Yourself Out on These High-Potential Plays

Rachel’s note: Here at Casey Research, we’re big on resources. We bring you plays with the greatest upside potential in the space. Because the mainstream financial media just doesn’t have the same eye for opportunities that our experts do…

This week, in an exclusive interview, our in-house resource expert and geologist, Dave Forest, shared how his boots-on-the-ground research clued him in early to the explosive potential of rare earths. And how you can get in today before it’s too late…

And longtime analyst Andrey Dashkov revealed why right now’s actually the best time to buy gold – and how it could pass $2,000 again this year.

Catch up on all that, and more, below…


The 4% of Stocks You're Not Buying – But Should Be
They're the stocks that outperform every other. And whether you realize it or not, they carry the whole market on their back…


Investors Can Generate Massive Income From Royalties
And during Teeka Tiwari's special training event, he shows how you can take part in the extraordinary gains delivered from this new kind of royalty…

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U.S. Dollar Faces "Bretton Woods" Downgrade. Savings Could Get Slashed.
The Bretton Woods monetary conference in 1944 made the U.S. dollar the world reserve currency.

Today, global elites at the IMF call for a "Bretton Woods II," to downgrade the U.S. dollar, and issue their own world reserve currency.

The biased media won't talk about it… But this disturbing event could cut your savings, 401(k), and retirement accounts down 30%. See the disturbing story here.


Here's Why Gold Could Still Pass $2,000 This Year
Digital assets may be grabbing headlines… but it's not time to abandon gold. And two strong, long-term drivers of the gold price are still in place...


Why Every Contrarian Should Consider Holding Ether
There's no doubt bitcoin's the biggest player in town. But it isn't the only player in town...

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America's #1 tech investor uncovers the breakthrough of the century…
The U.S. military, Google, Amazon, and Apple… have all joined forces to develop the most advanced "weapon" in history. And it's aimed straight at China.

This modern-day "Manhattan Project" is worth a potential $15 trillion… And one small company's tech makes the whole thing go. Click here to find out all the details.


China's Bully Tactics Will Spark an Epic Rare Earths Rally
It's going to be a big problem for the U.S. government. But it also means well-positioned investors, like Dave Forest's readers, will make a lot of money.


Why Limiting Your Risk Is Essential for Investing Success
You need to grow your capital pile with low-risk trades before you shoot for the moon. So you're protected if riskier trades go bust… And you're still around to trade the next day.

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Teeka Issues FREE NEW Recommendation (No Purchase Necessary)
He picked Apple back in 2003… BEFORE shares skyrocketed almost 48,000%. He picked Ethereum before it skyrocketed as high as 21,433%.

And now he's issuing an urgent recommendation that he says "will be the hottest investment of 2021." Click here and get the ticker… no strings attached.



Rachel Bodden
Managing Editor, Casey Research

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