For The First Time in 2021... Try "Stock Leaders" for 30 Days...

This strategy is powerful.

Hey Trader,

We all know it,
the stock market was volatile this week.

But Friday's snap-back confirmed something that I've known for years...

Volatility = Opportunity

That's right,
if I've learned anything over my 31 years of trading,
it's this...

Market uncertainty is not a cause for alarm,
because it leads to big moves!

And traders that are properly prepared,
can turn those big moves into some really serious gains.

I'm talking about gains like:

+68.32% on AMD Stock
+22.11% on CVS Stock
+29.22% on LLY Stock
+53.90% on NVDA Stock
+51.20% on BABA Stock
+50.27% on MSFT Stock
+141.58% on NVDA Stock
+57.67% on ATVI Stock
+48.43% on NFLX Stock
+24.21% on AMD Stock

... and many more!

As you see above, those gains are on STOCKS!

That's right. We're not talking about using leveraged options, we're talking about the simple buying and selling of shares. (Note: Past Performance is No Guarantee of Future Results - These Returns are Before Any Commissions)

That's just a small sampling of winning Stock Leaders trades.

"There's always a Bull Market somewhere"

And I've got to tell you,
I think we're about to see more big winners than ever before.

I am 100% confident that there are going to be some big swings...the kind of swings that can lead to gains of 25%, 50% or more for stock traders.

I started BigTrends back in 1999,

and I have focused mainly on options trading since then.

But now I can firmly say,
Stock Trading has NEVER been more attractive.

That's right… Stocks.

Don't get me wrong, I still trade options.
But I've ALSO been trading stocks recently because frankly....
the profit potential is too good to pass up.

The global pandemic unleashed the best "Stock Picker's Market" in decades!

and With commissions cut to ZERO at most brokers, you can now trade hundreds and hundreds of shares while keeping thousands of dollars in your pocket.

You see, I want to make it very easy for you to take advantage of these upcoming profit opportunities. And that's why I've put together an incredible offer that is going to be available for TODAY ONLY.

This opportunity will allow you to target huge gains over the next 30 Days at incredible savings...

and with the peace of mind provided by over 20 years of data testing and execution.

Let me give you a few more details:

  • It all starts with the opportunity for you to set yourself up for huge profits from all this market uncertainty. Stock Leaders should trigger up to 50 trades over the next 12 months, picking stocks that have established themselves as true LEADERS – and you'll get access to this trade flow for the next 30 days - at huge savings.
  • But that's not all…because you'll also rest easy knowing the exact parameters we use to enter and exit these trades. So forget about second-guessing and hoping, you will KNOW exactly why we're in these trades and you'll also know when we plan to cash out.

Here's the only catch... I'm limiting this offer to the first 50 members of the BigTrends family to say "yes!"

-- Here's your opportunity --

The list price for Stock Leaders is $199 for a monthly subscription.

and that's an awesome value for high quality stock-picking signals...

But until Midnight Tonight, You won't pay $199.

Not even close!

Because I'm offering you a Test-Drive for over 85% OFF.

That's right! You can get 30 days of
Stock Leaders for just $27!


And if Stock Leaders doesn't fit your style, then simply notify us within your first 30 days to cancel your subscription. We'll thank you for giving it a try!

But, if you agree that $97 a month for all this profit potential is well worth it, you don't have to do anything at all because we'll keep your subscription running on a month-to-month basis at $97 (50% off the retail price).

So you get 85% off on your first month and then 50% off for the rest of your subscription time!

But please take note. This amazing opportunity isn't for everyone. If you're paralyzed by fear and uncertainty right now, this isn't for you.

But if you view today's market uncertainty as a huge profit opportunity...

Then I want to help you make that happen.

Click Here to Claim Your 30-Day Test-Drive to Stock Leaders for Just $27!

So, why should you care?


If you had started with just $10,000 and compounded these gains since 09/22/2000 then your account would have grown to $229,822 as of yesterday's close.

I don't know about you, but the ability to start with a small amount and grow it into a sizable sum is what trading is all about.

And that's without using leverage, you could choose to trade options on these moves and who knows how far it could take you!

New Trades and Exit Targets will be sent by email at 6:00 PM ET when they are available, and you will be able to execute those orders the next morning.

In fact, if you grab Stock Leaders Today, then tomorrow at 6:00 PM ET I'll send you a list of open trades that are still viable, so you can get a head start on building your portfolio by entering those existing trades on Monday!

That's right...

you can test-drive these signals for a tiny fraction of the normal price,
but only until MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.

Click Here to Get 30 Days of Stock Leaders for Just $27!

You will get access to the "Settings and Rules" sheet, which outlines the exact parameters used to find and manage these trades!

As an Stock Leaders subscriber you will also receive weekly video updates every Monday evening as well as unlimited e-mail support from my analyst team, for any questions that may arise throughout your subscription.

I hope to see you on the list for tomorrow's trade alert!

Trade Well,

Price Headley,

P.S. This is your chance to target big gains in the next 30 Days at huge savings. But remember, this offer expires at MIDNIGHT and is only available to the next 50 subscribers. If the link below still works then your spot should still be available.

Click Here to Get Stock Leaders for Just $27!

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Unsubscribe 201 West Vine Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 United States (800) 244-8736

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