Is the U.S. coming for bitcoin?

The markets soared high to close the week, which is good news.

Bitcoin is still on many trader's minds though, including one very high-profile investor we'll tell you about in a bit.

First, you need to clear your schedule, because in a couple of hours, Jeff and Rob are LIVE.
Today at 11:00 PM EASTERN, Rob and Jeffry are going live together one final time.

They're dedicated to letting as many people hear about Echo Trades as possible...

But they also need to close the system down for a while to process the hundreds of new traders who have joined i these alerts.

This morning is your last chance to join them live. Plus, you can grab a free echo trade pick from Jeffry himself!

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China Cracks Down on U.S. Brands
Many American companies have been happy to buddy up with China and collect their massive checks.

But it seems like China may not be as happy with that arrangement anymore.

Due to the ongoing sanctions battles between the U.S. and China, the Chinese are boycotting some major American brands.

Read which ones here
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Dalio's Dire Bitcoin Warning
We promised it. Now here's the skinny:

Billionaire investor Ray Dalio has made some bold predictions in the past. But this one will have many crypto investors worried:

Dalio recently predicted that there is a "good probability" that the U.S. will step in and shut down Bitcoin to protect its monopoly on currency supply and demand.

Read more of his thoughts here
So, Ray Dalio made this bold proclamation, huh?

Feels like I was saying this over a week ago, but no big deal. We'll assume he arrived there on his own!

Just kidding. Of course Dalio is brilliant and has plenty of reason to say what he said.

We saw the first sign of what might be to come last week, when India cracked down on blockchain and cryptocurrency in an effort to begin its own government-sponsored alternative.

We're going to see more of this.

Remember, governments aren't fans of folks taking their power. And their control over currency is a major way in which governments maintain authority.

It's especially interesting in America, as the government spends and spends and spends.

Some theorists believe that in modern days, the government can blow out spending without risking inflation.

But even if that is true in ideal circumstances, it's going to be much harder if a legitimate alternative begins to arise.

That's the threat that the government perceives in cryptocurrency, and one of the reasons that Dalio thinks a ban might happen.

But would that be the end of the world? Of course not.

There will always be new avenues to invest.

In the meantime, if you're interested in crypto but worried about volatility, there are tons of crypto-related stocks that you can potentially invest in.

Those are a good way to hedge against the risk of government intervention while holding something of value that can rise with crypto.

Have a fantastic Sunday!
Leveraged trading in foreign currency or off-exchange products on margin carries significant risk and may not be suitable for all investors. We advise you to carefully consider whether trading is appropriate for you based on your personal circumstances. You may lose more than you invest. We recommend that you seek independent advice and ensure you fully understand the risks involved before trading. The information on this website is intended as educational in nature and we do not recommend that you buy or sell any specific financial instrument.
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