Purpose is so important

Hey There!

This week, I got to do something kinda crazy for the first time in a while.

I got to go to a gym! Remember those?

Gyms are just reopening in Washington, but I had to get there as soon as I could.

So I made it to the gym, and I got to see a friend I hadn't seen in too long. And we went on a walk together.

Well, actually, I helped her take her daughter's dogs on a walk, so really they took us for a walk. But I survived!

My friend and I got to talking.

And she told me a really sad story.

She told me about her son who had lost some friends recently to struggles with opioid addiction.

Now, many of you probably know this, but during the pandemic, drug use has skyrocketed. I read a CDC report that says that May 2019-May 2020 was the worst 12-month period ever for overdose deaths.

And out West, where I live, has been hit especially hard (maybe because the lockdowns are especially severe). The same report said that 10 western states have reported an increase in deaths of over 98%.

Now, I don't want to dwell on the negative. But of course, her story made me sad. And it really got me thinking:

Having purpose is so important.

Some of my southern friends may know the expression "idle hands are the devil's playground." Some people say "workshop," too.

And while it sounds a little whacky, it's really true! When people are bored, or they feel cut off, or they have low self-esteem, or they're lacking purpose, they really struggle!

No wonder this pandemic has hit people especially hard. I feel blessed to have a family I care about and I'm so thankful to get to write to and teach all of you, but there are times when even I have wanted to pull my hair out.

I can't imagine being a teenage or 20-year-old kid who can't travel to college, can't go on dates or eat at restaurants or even go to the gym.

So I get why this struggle is happening. But the thing is, it made me think about trading (that may be weird, but bear with me!)

When I was walking with my friend, and she was talking about her son's struggles, it made me think how important it is to get him something he's interested in!

Learning a new skill. Challenging your brain to stretch and grow! (That has benefits for anti-aging too! For the less teenaged among us.)

Whether it's teaching people how to trade or giving them any other activity, I think having that thing to focus on and put your mind to is so important, especially right now.

But this conversation also made me think of one company I wanted to put on your radar. Now, understand this is not a recommendation to go buy this company. This actually is NOT a good time to buy. But I don't think a lot of people know about MindMed (MMEDF).
Now this company isn't going to be for everybody. Some folks are more squeamish about these things than others and that's just fine..

But MindMed is a company that focuses on using psychedelic drugs (like LSD) to treat people, and these treatments have actually proven to be incredibly effective against things like opioid addiction.

There are some investors who look at these kinds of companies as like Cannabis 3.0 from the stock market perspective.

I'm more focused on the fact that I think if it can actually help people with these serious, deadly addictions, then it's an incredible public good and is filling a very serious need.

But, once again, it's not anything I'm telling you to run out to invest in. I'm just inspired when people work to help others, even if they do it in nontraditional ways.

And speaking of helping others in nontraditional ways, I'd be remiss if I didn't remind you that our friend Rob is hosting a live class tomorrow morning to talk people through these choppy markets.

I know Rob is a bear and I think he's pretty excited about the opportunities coming up. I think this one will be can't miss. Click here to save a seat!
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Anyway, I hope this more serious message hasn't brought you down. My friend's son is working hard to beat this thing, and I'm thrilled there are people out there working hard to find cures.

But I do think purpose is so important and I'm glad that a lot of you have found that purpose in trading!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Chat Soon,

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