Stocks To Target for America’s Reopening

March 7, 2021
How To Grab
Consistent Overnight Winners
From 1993 to 2021, you would have lost 10% of your money buying and holding the S&P 500 during the day…

Yet if you'd bought at the close and sold again right at the open, anyone could've seen an 812% increase in their investments.

Where did all the gains come from? Overnight moves.

And one former $700 million hedge fund trader just revealed how he's exploiting these overnight moves on a handful of stocks every single day.
See What He's Trading Next
The Truth Behind the BUZZ ETF
Have you heard about the new exchange-traded fund (ETF) that's all the buzz around Wall Street and social media? Investors everywhere want to know "Is the BUZZ ETF a good investment?" But I think this might backfire for an obvious reason…

The VanEck Vectors Social Sentiment ETF (BUZZ) tracks investor chatter across social media platforms and blogs like Twitter, StockTwits, Yahoo Finance, Benzinga, Reddit and more.

The EFT — accurately named BUZZ — will invest in the 75 stocks with the best shareholder sentiment, and that have at least a crisp $5 billion market cap. The research behind finding the top 75 stocks is done by an AI-driven program that searches the web for mentions on the stocks. The fund is rebalanced each month.
But That's Not What Caught My Eye
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Stocks To Target for
America's Reopening
We've been dealing with the pandemic for over a year now. With more stimulus and vaccine options on the way, now is as good a time as any to share some reopening stocks to target.

We've spent a lot of time talking about inflation and moves we're seeing in big-name stocks.

But now, as many in the U.S. expect another $1,400 stimulus check, we're also looking to reopen. And Wall Street is already pricing in some stocks to target.

Travel stocks are seeing some heat. People are feeling more comfortable going out — even gentlemen's club stocks are trending upward…

People are getting ready to go out and spend that new stimulus money. But the stock market isn't the place to make it rain.
So Where Should You Put It?
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Powell's Remarks Can't Stop the Bloodbath — Better Call a Doctor
Judging by the current 1.6% dip in the S&P 500, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell's comments at the Wall Street Journal Jobs Summit today didn't do much to ease the market's inflationary concerns.

"We expect that as the economy reopens and hopefully picks up, we will see inflation move up through base effects," Powell commented, adding "that could create some upward pressure on prices."

The word "DUHHHHHHH" comes to mind.

Vaccines are rolling out, we've got some form of stimulus coming and we've got the easiest year-over-year comparisons in the history of history. In case anyone is wondering, "history" is an awfully long time.

Just look at today's economic data dump. With the exception of jobless numbers — which are finally beginning to grind lower — generally all the data points are comparatively positive.
Here Are My Thoughts
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"Good Morning, I have learned so much from you all, Thank you all and have a nice weekend. Regards"

Srini R.
Momentum Trading involves a strategy to capitalize on the continuance of an existing trend. It involves going long stocks, futures, or ETFs showing upward-trending prices and short the respective assets with downward-trending prices.
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