The Principles for Living Your American Dream

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Rachel’s note: Our founder, Doug Casey, has devoted his career to helping readers achieve financial freedom. So that they can live out their American Dream.

But with a volatile 2020… and more uncertainty ahead… that dream may feel more out of reach than ever.

That’s why today, we’re sharing insights from our friend and colleague, Teeka Tiwari. Before his 24-year career in finance, he grew up in Britain’s foster care system. And came to America at just 16 with $150 in his pocket.

So Teeka knows firsthand how life-changing financial freedom can be.

And he just discovered a rare stock market event that could jumpstart your American Dream. On Wednesday, April 21 at 8 p.m. ET, he’ll reveal how it could deliver thousands of percent… in just a handful of days. Just go right here reserve your free spot.

Then, read on for three key principles to building your dream life…

The Principles for Living Your American Dream

By Teeka Tiwari, editor, Palm Beach Daily

Teeka Tiwari

I felt sweat trickle down the back of my neck…

I was up against a hard deadline. It was four o’clock in the afternoon on a Wednesday in 2013.

The children would be home from school soon… And if their sandwiches weren’t ready, there would be hell to pay.

After a hard-charging, 24-year career in finance, my biggest deadline of the day was making sandwiches for my children before they returned from school.

I had sold one of my companies two years earlier and was trying my hand as a “house dad.” After two years of helping make macaroni necklaces and afternoon sandwiches… I was quickly reaching my limit of domestic “bliss.”

In short, I knew it was time to find my next big project.

As luck would have it, I was contacted at the time by an individual named Tom Dyson… who had heard of me through a mutual friend.

Tom – along with multimillionaire and New York Times bestselling author Mark Ford – ran a business called Palm Beach Research Group.

They convinced me to join their team. And they eventually became my mentors.

I learned a lot about the newsletter business from Tom. But it was Mark’s ideas that really changed the way I thought about creating wealth.

You see, Mark is one of the biggest thinkers on wealth-building I know. When it comes to sharing knowledge, I’ve found him to be the most generous person I’ve ever met. I will tell you here and now… Mark Ford has done more for me than I can ever repay.

The knowledge he shared through his wealth-building essays and books has thoroughly changed my life. I credit Mark with getting me off the wealth “merry-go-round” in which my wealth would boom and bust every few years.

It was Mark who taught me how to be relentless with self-examination so I wouldn’t fall into the haze of lazy complacency.

Mark has built dozens of businesses from scratch… creating millions of dollars of wealth in the process. He knows more about building wealth than just about anyone. He’s not just a mentor. He’s a “wealth coach.”

How to Make Your Dream a Reality

One of the most important lessons I learned from Mark is that – for most people – getting rich is a “dream.” The problem is that dreams are often too close to fantasy and too far removed from reality.

You see, Mark told me what makes a dream “real” is when you turn it into something specific: a goal. He told me that goals should be specific, actionable, and time-oriented.

For the past five years, I’ve been following that advice. And I can tell you it has transformed my life.

I possess more wealth now than at any other time in my life. And I live a life today that is directly tied to my values.

Today, I can say that I’m living my dreams: from where I live… to the work I do… to the wealth I’ve created… and to the relationships I’ve made with the people I care about.

I won’t tell you it wasn’t work… because it was. But I will tell you your dreams are attainable.

Today, I’ll share with you Mark’s three principles for achieving your dream… and how I’ve used them to live my dream life.

Three Principles to Create Wealth

First, if you want to build your wealth and live your dream life: You need money. 

If you spend every penny you make, there’s no way you can reach your financial dreams. When I started on the path to my dream life, what I found was no matter how much I earned, I always spent it all.

Mark taught me I didn’t have a money problem… I had a spending problem.

He told me if I wanted to be rich, I had to drastically lower my expenses and save more while improving the quality of my life right now by making better decisions. He showed me that I didn’t need the most expensive, most exclusive, newest thing.

He had me focus on buying quality items that could last 20 years or more. He showed me the true cost of spending by having me figure out the real cost of what I was buying.

For instance, he showed me how I could save hundreds of thousands of dollars by buying a reliable car and keeping it for 15 years rather than changing a car every three years.

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My personal rule of thumb to getting rich is to live well below your means so you can save over 60% of your monthly income. I know that sounds nuts… but it’s doable.

For me, I had to have some tough conversations with my children and former wife. I made huge changes in our lifestyle, from downsizing our cars to chopping up credit cards and embracing staycations.

Second, Mark told me to look for outside-the-box ideas about how to create additional income.

For instance, you can focus on increasing your ability to earn more money by having a side hustle… improving your work ethic… and learning new work skills. I did all three.

I ran two consulting businesses on the side while writing two financial newsletters. I brought more focus to my work and started a program of skill improvement.

Each of these little changes didn’t do much by themselves. But over time, they collectively started to compound upon one another. Soon, I had an explosion of money coming into my life.

And because of Mark’s teachings, I wasn’t spending it all on a bunch of nonsense.

Instead, I put the next part of Mark’s wealth plan into place. I started putting 95% of my money into conservative, income-producing investments and strategies.

The other 5% I used to speculate on asymmetric investments like bitcoin, Ethereum, pre-IPOs, and high-flying tech stocks. Many of those investments ended up making me a fortune… without putting my current lifestyle at risk.

I was finally off the boom-and-bust wealth rollercoaster.

Lastly, Mark told me I needed to step out of my comfort zone and reimagine what my ideal dream life would be. He had me get clear on what my dream was. He taught me I didn’t have to buy into anyone else’s dream.

What’s Your Dream?

I owe a debt of gratitude to Mark Ford for changing my life. And I repay it by spreading his ideas and teachings through my own writing.

I want you to have the freedom that comes from getting clear on what you want… and taking the actions to get it.

I’m sharing all of this with you because – no matter what your dream is – it’ll require money. Now, I can help you make more money… but money alone won’t get you to your dream.

When you put together all the pieces I’ve shared in this essay, you can start living the life you have always imagined. So, if you’re ready to do something different to get what you want, I want you to join me Wednesday, April 21 at 8 p.m. ET.

I want to show you how you can be a month away from your American Dream through a 42-day “Anomaly Window” that opens every few years. During this period, you can make up to thousands-of-percent gains on a handful of boring, blue-chip stocks.

And on Wednesday, April 21, I am going to share those stocks with you for free. I’ll tell you all about the “Anomaly Window” and how Wall Street has been using it for years to make billions of dollars.

To be clear, it has nothing to do with IPOs, cryptos, or penny stocks. These are stalwart blue-chip stocks that go “nuts” during this period.

I’ll lay out a specific plan for you to profit from this anomaly… and how it can help fund your American Dream in as little as 42 days.

Reserve your spot here.

Let the Game Come to You!


Teeka Tiwari
Editor, Palm Beach Daily

P.S. To make sure it’s worth your while, I’m even giving you my entire list of elite stocks to trade during this window. All you have to do is join me Wednesday, April 21 at 8 p.m. ET to learn more.

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Are you about to make an expensive mistake?

Investors who bought Cisco at the peak of the dot-com mania are still down 40%– more than 20 years later! Right now, many popular tech stocks are flashing warning signs. And many investors are about to repeat this classic “Cisco mistake.”

Don’t be one of them. The man regarded by many as America’s most accurate tech investor just put together a list of the most dangerous tech stocks.

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