How the Magician caused the stock market to plunge!

Hello Trader,

You/ve never heard of him but he was the most powerful stock analyst in history.

Twice he issued sell recommendations and the stock market plunged on his say so. Billions of dollars were made or lost on his pronouncements. He was that powerful!

Yet he lived and worked his whole life in Kansas City, MS, not New York or Chicago or London.

His name was Joe Granville. He died in 2013 at the age of 80.

His market calls were legendary because he was so right so often. So when he said to sell stocks, everybody sold stocks.

How did he do this?

He invented a way of looking at volume that he called On Balance Volume. Basically it is a kind of running total of up volume and down volume.

His innovation was showing how OBV could lead prices! In other words, the OBV would tell you where prices were going before they dropped!

Joe was a great showman. I remember one time I was speaking at a convention and they rolled out a coffin on stage and he popped out of it as Dracula and proceeded to talk trash about broker and how they were blood suckers! He did a lot of those kinds of stunts.

And he would do magic tricks on stage as well. It was always fun when he gave a speech!

I've put together a new course that teaches:

  • What is OBV?
  • How do you calculate it
  • How do you put it on a chart
  • Most importantly, how can you make money from it!

I was able to meet with, shares meals with, and learn from Joe directly.

I'm going to reveal a lot of what he taught me that has really helped me make money in the market.

The course is a nominal price and everything is included so you can start making money from OBV right away.

Click here to learn more about Purple Predictor Mini Course and claim your seat!.

Good magical trading,


WealthBuilder LLC
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