Rob's Diary: Money making life hack

Happy Morning! ☀️

Ever since I was a kid I loved experiments.

Like the volcano with vinegar and baking soda, so cool.

I always looked for new ways to do things, to see if I could come up with new magical formulas…

And I still do!

I study the trends in the stock market to discover new ways of identifying patterns…

Patterns that can help make people more money and make their lives easier.


"Just Let Them Stab Each Other!"

There's an old saying: "Don't break up a knife fight."

Did you know that every single day… a financial knife fight is taking place?

It's not between Wall Street and you…

It's between the big banks and the hedge funds.

And I don't try to break them up.

I let them stab each other.


"Bank Lines" show me who wins the fight…

And I piggyback on that trade. 

You can do it too. 

Click Here Now to see my Bank Lines strategy — I'll show it to you live tomorrow!


But making more money isn't the only thing you need to make your life better…

You also need a magical formula for your brain.

So here is a life hack experiment for you to try...

Step One: Turn off all screens one hour before sleep time. Give your brain some time to relax.

Step Two: Before you go to bed, plan your day.
Write down the most important things that need to get done.

Step Three: Wake up half an hour earlier.
Brush those teeth, drink a glass of water, and review your list from the night before.

These simple habits at the end and start of your day will actually make a BIG difference. 

Don't believe me? It's an experiment!

Try it out for yourself...

And let me know how it goes.

I love the heck out of you



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